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FBI Investigates Hajia 4 Real – Damning Outcome

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The United States department of Justice has released a press statement which contains an FBI report on the activities and criminal charges on Mona Faiz Montrage for her role in a series of businesses the Department of Justice has named an enterprise of “romance schemes” and laundering the proceeds of the schemes.



Ms. Montrage, also known as Hajia 4 Real, a 30-year-old Ghanaian socialite was arrested on the 10th of November 2022 and later extradited from the United Kingdom to the United States on 12 May 2023.

The report stated that Ms. Montrage belonged to an “Enterprise” based in West Africa whose activities targeted old and vulnerable victims with “romance schemes” resulting in more than $2m in fraudulent funds under the control of the accused alone. It is believed that the accused has been part of this “Enterprise” from 2013 through to 2019.

Some of the activities of the “enterprise” of which Ms. Montrage has been accused include:

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  • Payment for Transport of gold to the United States from overseas
  • Payments to resolve fake FBI unemployment investigation: and
  • Payments to assist a fake United States Army officer in receiving funds from Afghanistan

She was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, one count of wire fraud, and one count of money laundering conspiracy. Each of these charges carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

She was also charged with one count of receiving stolen money which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years and one count of conspiracy to receive stolen money which carries a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison.


There were numerous departments that were involved in the extradition and investigation of the Ghanaian socialite: FBI, United States Marshals Services, the National Extradition Unit, United States Customs and Border Protection, the FBI Legal Attaché in London, and finally the US Department of Justice’s Office of International Affairs of the department’s Criminal Division.

The report however stated that all these are accusations hence Ms. Montrage is considered innocent until proven guilty by the court.

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Source : United States Attorney’s Office

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  1. […] READ ALSO : FBI Investigates Hajia4 Real : Damning Consequences […]

  2. […] READ ALSO : FBI Investigates Hajia 4 Real – Damning Outcome […]

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