Kobi Rana on the 25th of October 2022 did not mince words when he lashed out at the host of the Entertainment review show on Peace FM. In fact, Kobi Rana ranted the whole of the interview and the substantial issue on which he was called for the interview was thrown off course. Mr. Aboagye kept his cool and “allowed” Kobi Rana to vent and rant the whole of the interview. The latter accused the host of not granting him an audience to showcase his new products both in music and movies. The interview which aimed at praising the multi-talented young man for regularly starring veteran Ghanaian actors and actresses in his movie projects which have not been the case for most movie producers turned out to be a personal attack on the host.
Kobi Rana and Kafue Danku released a very controversial movie freedom and justice which was not able to premiere because the GTA had to enforce the ban on gatherings in places such as cinemas due to the president’s order to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Kobi even said that the Entertainment show had not given him any audience or attention to any of his new movies or even highlighted that the freedom and justice movie premiered somewhere in April 2021.  At a point in the interview, it looked clear and appeared as though Kobi granted the interview just to ambush the host and the entire crew of the program. The host couldn’t help but laugh throughout the interview because the former won’t even allow the host to even say a word.  The interview which didn’t start well ended on a good note as Kobi Rana agreed to finally show up in the studio for another interview.
Author: Andy Pratt