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“Ghana’s Future : Whence Goeth the Nation”?-Albert K. Nuakoh Writes

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Ghana is witnessing a troubling trend as its vibrant youth seek opportunities beyond its borders.

This issue has been simmering since before 2016, escalating significantly from 2019 till today.

According to reports from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), and the World Bank, an estimated 1.2 to 1.5 million Ghanaians have left the country in search of a better life.

A situation of hope and despair; who is to blame?

While the pursuit of a brighter future is commendable, it reflects a deep sense of hopelessness among many in their motherland.

Leaders, who should embody the aspirations of the nation and inspire hope in our youth, have instead become ambassadors of despair.

They urge the very youth they are meant to uplift to protect and serve their homeland, yet to ‘flee’. It is painfully evident that those entrusted with the welfare of the citizenry often contribute to the very challenges that deplete their resources and aspirations. After stripping away opportunities, they then tell the youth to ‘get a life’.

Ghana’s population is growing rapidly, and it is predominantly youthful.

In contrast to previous generations, where hard work often led to white-collar jobs and scholarships, the current system feels congested and unmeritocratic, threatening the mental health of many promising young individuals.

For those who can afford it, they ‘jakpa’.

Meanwhile, the unfortunate ones, unable to secure even loans to leave, are left to hope against hope.

Many others resort to substances as a means of coping with their despair. This is the state of our nation—a place devoid of hope, plagued by poor leadership, and teetering on the brink of failure.

Yet, amidst this bleak path, there are still “a few good others,” including you, dear reader.

So, I pose the question: Who has truly failed Ghana, the youth or the ‘misleaders’?

is there any end in sight?

‘’Arise Ghana youth for your country
The nation demands your devotion
Let us all unite to uphold her
And make her great and strong
We are all involved
We are all involved
We are all involved
In building our motherland”

Writer: Albert K. Nuakoh

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