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I Created Fake Prophecies And Miracles To Trend-Bishop Obinim

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Bishop Daniel Obinim has come clean about being a “fake pastor” who staged miracles to gain popularity, draw attention, and expand his church.

The founder and head of the International Godsway Ministries claimed in a widely shared video clip from a sermon that he made up miracles and false predictions to draw attention to his church.

He claimed to have known that by doing those things, he would become popular and raise awareness of his church. And true to his words, the Pastor  was able to use that method to expand his church and make it one of the biggest churches in Ghana.

Over the years, the controversial man of God has drawn criticism for his ridiculous, eye-catching antics, which include beating children in his church, obtaining a passport from the spiritual world, performing unbelievable miracles, and asserting that he is a real angel of God with the ability to change into animals at will. He has also claimed in the past that he had the ability to appear in the dreams of any individual.

Obinim has been progressively denying his previous claims and abilities ever since he established his notoriety and wealth. He now acknowledges that many of his antics and miracles were staged, and that he lied about having the ability to change into animals.

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