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Fira: The center of town the buses operate from. Every bus goes to Fira and the buses from Fira go anywhere. All the restaurants, nightclubs, and shops are in Fira. In fact, that town never sleeps. If you decide to stay in Fira, then, in other words, you have decided to stay awake most of the nights. The loud music from all angles will certainly keep you awake.

Hotel Prices from Fira to IA are the most expensive. With IA topping the list as the most expensive place to stay in Santorini. If you don’t mind paying 300 to 1000 euros per night at the luxurious IA town, then u can go for it. Expect to pay from 100 to 350 euros for a hotel at Fira, Firostephanie, Imoviglia, and other smaller towns nearby.



Andy Pratt

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